Nicky Nicolson is one of two recipients of the GBIF Young Researchers Award for 2019.

Congratulations again to Nicky Nicolson, who recently defended her thesis with no changes, and has now been awarded the GBIF Young Researcher award.

The award jury, led by GBIF science committee vice chair Anders G. Finstad of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), lauded Nicolson for her “highly original and innovative” approaches and her successful “use of data from GBIF to combine geographically distant collections using only minimal information on the specimen.”

She is the first U.K. national to win the award since Amy McDougal earned the honour in 2010, the programme’s first year. She is also the third U.K.-based winnner, preceded by McDougal and Juan Escamilla Mólgora, a Mexican PhD candidate at Lancaster University and 2016 award recipient.

For more information click here

Welcome to new PhDs / Interns

Welcome to Ashley Mann, Fawzia Kara-Isitt and Faisal Maramazi who will be starting their PhDs in October supervised by Stephen Swift and Mahir Arzoky.

Also, welcome to four new interns joining the IDA Group for the next 6 months:

Ylenia Rotalinti (Pavia): Working on Modelling Missingness in Primary Care Data

Barbara Draghi (Pavia): Working on Pseudo Time Models & Topological Analysis

Namir Oues (Brunel): Working on Patient Re-Identification in Synthetic Primary Care Data

Juan de Benedetti (Brunel): Working on Longitudinal Modelling of Primary Care Data

IDA 2020

IDA 2020

Wondering about the Call for Papers for IDA 2019?

IDA is moving from September to April, (one deadline less this spring!)

IDA 2020 will be held from April 27-29, 2020 in Konstanz, Germany!

You can expect the Call for Papers for IDA 2020 to appear in spring 2019.

Image may contain: sky, ocean, outdoor and nature

Loads of conference paper successes!

Congratulations to:

Mashael Al Luhaybi for her paper “Predicting Academic Performance: A Bootstrapping Approach for Learning Dynamic Bayesian Networks” which has been accepted at AIED 2019

and to the following for their papers being accepted at IEEE CBMS 2019

Biraja Ghoshal for his paper “Estimating Uncertainty in Deep Learning for Reporting Confidence to Clinicians when Segmenting Nuclei Image Data”

Leila Yousefi and Mahir Arzoky for their paper “Opening the Black Box: Exploring Temporal Pattern of Type 2 Diabetes Complications in Patient Clustering Using Association Rules and Hidden Variable Discovery”

Bashir Dodo for his paper “Retinal OCT Segmentation Using Fuzzy Region Competition and Level Set Methods”

Steve Counsell, Stephen Swift, Mahir Arzoky and Giuseppe Destefanis for their poster / short paper “An Empirical Study of the AGIS Visual Field Metric and its Seasonal Variations ”

Awad Al Yousef for his poster / short paper “Latent Class Multi-Label Classification to Identify Subclasses of Disease for Improved Prediction”

Zenchen Wang, Puja Myles and Allan Tucker, “Generating and Evaluating Synthetic UK Primary Care Data: Preserving Data Utility & Patient Privacy”

Other recent conference acceptances:

Arianna Dagliati, Nophar Geifman, Niels Peek, John H. Holmes, Lucia Sacchi, Seyed Erfan Sajjadi, Allan Tucker, “Inferring Temporal Phenotypes with Topological Data Analysis and Pseudo Time-Series” at AIME 2019


Fatima Amer Jid Almahri, David Bell and Mahir Arzoky  for her paper “Augmented education within a physical space” which has been accepted at UKAIS 2019

Looks like it will be a busy Summer!