Review of IDA 2023/24

The group has had an extremely successful year with grants totalling over £3 million from EC Horizon, EPSRC, Innovate, NERC, & Others. As well as many publications in top class journals the following achievements have been made:

Isabel Sassoon:

  • Invited to Editorial Board member at Real World Data Science – Royal Statistical Society and American Statistical Society
  • Invited to the EPSRC Peer Review College (From Feb 2024).

Alina Miron:

  • Elena Abrusci, Hayleigh Bosher, Alina Miron, House of Lords Select Committee on Communications and Digital, Inquiry on Large Language Models, 2023

Xiaohui Liu:

  • Highly Cited Researcher in the field of Computer Science – 2023 (Fewer than 100 computer scientists in the world were named as HCR in 2023)
  • The Daniel Berg Award, 2023
  • Ranked in the world’s top 2% scientists, 2023 (Elsevier/Stanford)
  • Ranked 13th, Top Electronics and Electrical Engineering Scientists in the UK – 2024 (
  • Ranked 25th, Top Computer Science Scientists in the UK – 2024 (
  • Computer Science in United Kingdom Leader Award – 2024
  • Electronics and Electrical Engineering in United Kingdom Leader Award – 2024

Allan Tucker:

  • Invited to the Governance Board of the MHRA airlock

Congratulations everyone!

Accepted Papers at ECML 2024

Congratulations to:

Barbara Draghi for her paper “Bias-aware synthetic data generation: a tailored use case-driven approach” that had been accetped to the “4th Workshop on Bias and Fairness in AI” at the European Conference on Machine Learning 2024.

Barbara Puccio for her paper “Phenotype identification in pseudo time series: exploring trajectories in the ageing process” that has been accepted to the “9th Workshop on Data Science for Social Good” at the European Conference on Machine Learning 2024.

New paper success!

Congratulations to Barbara Draghi, Ashley Mann, and Ylenia Rotalinti on their recent publication success:

Draghi, B., Wang, Z., Myles, P. and Tucker, A. (2023) ‘Identifying and handling data bias within primary healthcaredata using synthetic data generators’. Heliyon, (accepted, in press).

Mann, A. EvoApp 2024, To Appear.

Rotalinti, Y., Myles, P., Tucker, A. ‘Predicting performance drift in AI models of healthcare without ground truth labels’, Proceedings of the 22nd International Symposium of Intelligent Data Analysis 2024, Springer, (in press)